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Gamma Epsilon Chapter was formed on December 12, 1976 under the direction of Regional Director, Lunetta Williams and members from Alpha Chi (St. Thomas, Virgin Islands).  Ghika Davis was the first President of the Gamma Epsilon.  She was a student attending Stillman College at the time.  She died suddenly while attending a Boule' in Detroit, MI.  After her sudden death, the interest of the others began to decline and Gamma Epsilon became inactive.


However, in May of 1979, one of the Charter members from Gamma Delta Chapter of Fayette, AL,  Fairrow Belle Prewitt with her dedication, concern and committment to community action commissioned her daughter, Phyllis Prewitt with the awesome pleasure of reactivating Gamma Epsilon Chapter.  Phyllis Prewitt contacted seven women of the Tuscaloosa Community.  After numerous meetings, the 1979 Pledge Club was formed.  On December 9, 1979, Gamma Epsilon Chapter was reactivated with the following members:  Catherine W. Bradford, Ruthie M. Franklin, Shirley S. Rollins, Wanda H. Newell, Rosalind Cropper, Wanda Minor and Juliette F. Williams.


Gamma Epsilon has had the following Chapter Presidents:  Ghika Davis, 1976; Shirley Rollins, 1979; Hassie Bailey, Gail Wilson, Lelia Reid, 1991-1993; Henrietta White, 1993-1995; Marilyn Ellis, 1995-1997; Etta Felton, 1997-1999; Mary Wilson, 1999-2001; Beatrice Johnson, 2001-2003; Gayle Stallworth, 2003-2005; Etta Felton, 2005-2007; Mary Wilson, 2007-2009; Marilyn Ellis, 2009-2011;  Gayle Stallworth 2011-2013 and currently Mary Mills, 2013.


Lelia Reid served as Southeastern Regional Director, 1987-1991, Southeastern Regional Assistant Director, 1985-1987, National Financial Secretary, 1996-1998, Recording Secretary of the Eta Phi Beta Foundation, 1993-2010 and Regional Treasurer, 2005-2009.  Mary Wilson, Regional Keeper of Peace, 1999-2001;  Etta Felton, Regional Guard, 1999-2001 and Regional Recording Secretary, 2004-2009; Marilyn Ellis, Regional Parliamentarian, 1997-1999 and Gayle Stallworth, Regional Chaplain, 2007-2011.   


The longest continous serving members are Lelia Reid-Davis, 45 years (currently a member of Alpha Omega Chapter where she was the organizer), Mary Wilson Mills, 30 years, Marilyn C. Ellis, 27 years,  Etta Felton, 26 years.


Gamma Epsilon hosted the Tenth Biennial Southeastern Regional Conference in 1987 and Southeastern Regional Executive Board Meetings in 1991 and 2011.


"Not for Ourselves, but for Others"